Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wedding gift, numero dos

As I mentioned earlier, we went to the wedding of a couple who has everything, so I made them three personalized items.  Numero uno was a Christmas ornament made from their wedding invitation.  Numero dos was inspired by this framed wedding date that I found on pinterest

Here's the finished product:

The couple got married on Sept. 10 (hence the 9-10-11), so the babe and I went on a walk one morning and I took pictures of numbers.  I may or may not have gotten some weird looks from people driving by.  The 9 and 10 are from mailboxes and the 11 is from a garbage can.  Romantic, I know. 
Then I took my camera to Targhetto, cropped the pics and changed them to sepia (to match the brown frame), put them in the frame and voila, instant wedding present:

Total Cost:
- Frame: $10.26 (on sale at Michael's)
- Pictures $0.75
TOTAL: $11.01
On-going total (including numero uno): $12.26

Numero tres is up next!

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